Museums in Budapest

III., Szentendrei út 139.

The Roman settlement had 40,000 inhabitants in its heyday. Ruins of a large public square, a large and a double bath, a shopping centre (macellum) and meat market, dwelling house and a Mithras sanctuary.
The five rooms of the museum contain utensils, weapons, cultic articles and ornaments. The most precious exhibit is a portable water-organ from 228 AD.

ART GALLERY (Műcsarnok)
artgallery, budapest
XIV., Heroes' Square

The biggest gallery of Budapest and Hungary (1895). Temporary exhibitions of contemporary Hungarian and international arts, design, photography, and new artistic trends.

history museum, budapest
Szent György tér 6.

Housed in Wing E of the former royal palace, the museum has exhibitions on the history of the city, plus restored elements of the destroyed medieval castle and the sculptures of the Gothic palace.
Permanent exhibitions: Budapest in the Middle Ages, Gothic sculptures of the royal palace, The royal palace of the medieval Buda, Budapest in modern times.

nagyteteny, budapest
XXII., Kastélypark u. 9-11.

The 18th century Száraz-Rudnyánszky mansion is a masterpiece of Baroque architecture. The exhibition in the building now restored to its original beauty traces the history of European furniture from the 15th to the 19th century.

ethnography, budapest
Kossuth tér

The building was erected in 1893-96 as the Supreme Court. Behind a Classicist facade, visitors are amazed to find wonderful neo-Renaissance spaces. It is a must for non-museum fans as well.
The permanent exhibitions show Hungarian folklore art, folklore customs and craftsmanship.

national gallery, budapest
I., Szent György tér

The museum, showing Hungarian fine art from the 10th c. to the present day, is housed in the central part of the former royal residence.
The permanent exhibitions trace the development of Hungarian art in the historical chronology of great art periods.
Largest collections are: medieval and Renaissance stones, Gothic wooden sculptures and panel paintings, late Gothic winged altars, late Renaissance and Baroque art, Hungarian painting and sculpture in the 19th and 20th c.

history museum, budapest
VIII., Ludovika tér 2.

Mankind's route from Nature to civilized societies. The natural history of the Carpathian Basin. All this presented in spectacular and interesting exhibitions.

nemzeti muzeum, budapest
VIII., Múzeum körút 14-16.

Hungary's first public collection and largest museum opened in a beautiful Classicist building in 1846. During a few hours, you can learn an outline of the country's history from the foundation of the state up to today.

The building had an important role in the 1848-49 Revolution, therefore it is a centre of celebrations on the national holiday of 15th March.

JEWISH MUSEUM (Zsidó Múzeum)
synagogue, budapest
VII., Dohány u. 2.

The historical relics of the Hungarian Jewry, objects of Jewish holidays, everyday articles, Holocaust Memorial Hall.

MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS (Iparművészeti Múzeum)
iparmuveszeti, budapest
IX., Üllői út 33-37.

The palace was built in Hungarian art nouveau style in 1891-1896, which, in addition to Hungarian folk style, shows motifs from Islamic, Hindu and Persian arts.
The roof is decorated with glazed Zsolnay majolica and coloured pirogranite. On entering the building, you can have an impressive sense of space under the dome.
It is worth visiting for those who are not museum-goers and a must for lovers of beautiful objects.
Permanent exhibition: Arts and Crafts. Temporary exhibitions throughout the year.

MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (Szépművészeti Múzeum)
szepmuveszeti, budapest
XIV., Hősök tere

The museum, which is among the largest Hungarian public collections with 120,000 exhibits, has the finest Spanish collection outside Spain.
The Museum's collection is made up of six departments: Egyptian, Antique, Old sculpture gallery, Old master paintings gallery, Modern collection, Graphics collection. The institution celebrated its centenary in 2006.
Permanent exhibitions: Egyptian collection. Antique collection. Ancient picture gallery. 19th c. French art. 20th c. collection.

szepmuveszeti, budapest
XIV., Vajdahunyad Castle

Europe's largest agricultural museum, housed in a spectacular building, in the middle of the City Park.

MUSEUM OF WAR HISTORY (Hadtörténeti Múzeum)
hadtorteneti, budapest
I., Tóth Árpád sétány 40.

Exhibitions with several hundred thousand weapons, uniforms, medals and flags on display. The major public collection of military science, valuable archives, map collection and library.

Szoborpark, budapest
XXII., Balatoni út

A totally unique open-air collection of gigantic statues which, during the Communist era, were set in public parks and squares. Period gifts and audio cassettes on sale.

TRANSPORT MUSEUM (Közlekedési Múzeum)
kozlekedesi, budapest
XXII., Balatoni út

Unique model railway collection, made in the late 19th century according to original blueprints. Exceptionally rich shipping collection. The museum holds over 15,000 objects, including vintage cars, motorcycles and other vehicles.

vasarely, budapest
III., Szentlélek tér 6.

400 original works by the Hungarian-born artist, the "Father of Op-Art", as well as chamber exhibitions by Hungarian artists resident abroad.

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