V, Március 15. tér.
Officially called the Church of Our Lady, the church is named
after the main donor King Matthias, who got married here twice. This symbol of
the city was built in the 13th-15th c. in Gothic style.
When the Turks occupied
Buda in 1541, it was turned into a mosque and the frescoes whitewashed. After
the retaking of Buda, it went to the Jesuits, who made Baroque alterations.
Became a parish church after 1773. Restored in the second half of the 19th c.
and rebuilt in neo-Gothic style. Except during services, the church is open
throughout the year, Mon-Sat 1000-1700, Sun 1300-1700.
Masses Mon-Fri 0830-0900
and 1200-1230, Sun 0830-0930 and 1200-1230.
You can see a stone collection, a
relic collection, replicas of the coronation regalia, a Hospitaller Chapel, and
a fine collection of goldsmiths' masterpieces in the treasury. The magnificent
acoustics make it into a popular concert venue.
Open: daily 0930-1730. Closed:
mid Jan-mid Feb